Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday November 9th

A relaxing day in Suizuoka City. A nice western and traditional Japanese buffet breakfast in the Garden Square Hotel...when was the last time you had a tossed green salad for breakfast, or you couldn't figure out how to operate the toaster? A stroll around the area, always trying to remember how to get back to the hotel. Most streets and sidewalks are narrow by our standards and the vehicles are righ- hand drive and travel on the opposite side of the street. When you step into traffic you need to look the opposite direction that you look in USA. I carry a matchbook from the hotel "Garden Square" just in case I get lost. All of our plumbers should spend two years training in Japan. I can't explain all the things that work differently, but here are two examples: the shower is set for a nice warm temperature (you can adjust it hotter or colder) and there is only one handle and there is WARM WATER as as you turn it on . Second example -- when was the last time you sat on a heated toilet seat. Lunch with two of the GSE team members at the train station which is about three blocks away (probably a hundred shops at the train station). Things you don't see in Pittsburg, KS; a parking garage for bikes, a policeman writing a ticket for a bike in a No Parking zone, wedding ceremonies being held back-to-back at the hotel (we will have an opportunity to attend one next weekend). We will wear a coat and tie for the next five days and make our PowerPoint presentation every day. Much more formal here.
Always a gorilla,


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